What is truth?
Started a series called the Truth Project by a Dr. Del Tackett and it's been very profound. If you haven't heard of it, check it out here: http://www.thetruthproject.org/
There are many questions asked and it's a thought provoking video. One thing I definitely can see, and I agree with, is that Truth is not variable. We can't all have our own Truth's based on our beliefs. There is one Truth. The truth is a fact and based on reality. It's not based on perspective or opinion or variable in any way. We cover up Truth with lies and believe the lie to be true.
If you like some intellectual yet simple thought provoking discussusions and how it relates to Truth and God you might be interested in this. It's very well done. Below is a trailer.
I had found some YouTube videos prior to starting it out. Here's one that's a watered down version of what's on the DVD's.